CME Research

Innovative Comparative Research in Continuing Education Demonstrates 4x Greater Change.

AcademicCME and ArcheMEdX, in collaboration with the Postgraduate Institute for Medicine completed a head-to-head trail of educational effectiveness and found that clinician learners participating in education powered by the AcheViewer had greater improvements in learning and competence than those participating in traditional online learning.


CME format comparator study for multiple sclerosis activities is in process.

In the fall of 2013, AcademicCME was in the unique position of launching several CME activities concerning the management of patients with multiple sclerosis. These programs were presented in live, print, and several web-based formats.  In addition to the usual web-based format, we launched an activity with the interactive advanced ArcheViewer technology. Learner outcomes data collection from all of the above mentioned formats is in process.  The first wave of results were presented at the Alliance for Continuing Education in the Health Professions Annual Conference, January 14-17, 2015.

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